The Messier Bits: A series of new paths This was a fun two day makeover in mid-winter 2022. I love a bit of instant landscaping. Thalictrum delavayi in the shady area These grass paths along the natural swale in our garden always flood in winter despite having field drains installed.Just by the way, we lose far more plants to wet, than to dry, in our garden. The soil in this area, close to the creek, is heavy blue clay. We leave it alone, apart from mulching. Early spring and all the mess and mud is gone. Summer. We keep all our hydrangeas together so they can be watered in summer. Dahlia, Verbena bonariensis and veronica longifolia 'Alba'. The outer edge of the shady gardens. Various hardy geraniums which love the shade. Sanguisorbia in the shady beds. These plants need summer irrigation. One of my favourite combinations: Hakonechloa marca aureola and variegated hosta.